Steam Cleaning A Carpet To Get Your Bond Back
ShareMany tenants discover that when they move out of a rented property, the landlord will demand that the property is in exactly the same condition as when it was first leased out to them. However, this is not quite right. Section 64 (b) of the Residential Tenancie Act (1997) states that the property should be in 'substantially' the same condition as when first rented out, except for fair wear and tear. This includes any carpets and rugs. However, in reality, many tenants find that their landlord will insist that the carpets are steam cleaned before giving them the bond back; they see it as part of the end of lease duties of the tenant. Steam cleaning a carpet or rug is a straightforward job and tenants who want to increase the chances of getting their bond back without hassle should simply undertake the job themselves. This article looks at steam cleaning a carpet in a rented property.
Initial Clean
It is a good idea to steam clean the carpets as close to the final inspection time as possible. Not only does this mean that the landlord will see the difference in the carpets, it also means that you will likely have moved out some of the furniture in the room to be steam cleaned. This allows you to clean the whole room – not just around the sofa or chairs. Begin by vacuuming the whole room so that any pet hairs or microscopic dirt is lifted from the carpet before you use the steam cleaner.
Work In Strips
Contact a professional cleaning service, like Jet Carpet Cleaning and Services, and let them know the surace area you will be cleaning. They can help you find the right equipment for the job. When you are ready to begin the steam cleaning, try to visualize the carpet as strips instead of a whole. This helps you to ensure that the whole carpet is cleaned – any missed spots will show up readily compared to the rest of the carpet. Visualizing strips will help you to overlap the cleaned areas without missing any sections. Move the steam cleaner to the opposite end of the room from the entrance door and begin there. Working towards the door from here will make sure that you are not walking on the carpet after it has been cleaned.
Move At The Correct Pace
When steam cleaning the carpet, move the machine at a pace that is slightly slower than when you are vacuuming. This allows the chemicals to work into the fibers of the carpet before being rinsed with the water. Move the cleaner back and forth over any stubborn stains to remove them. Walking at a pace that is too quick will not give the cleaner enough time to clean the carpet as it should.
It is important that you close off the room to allow the carpet to dry. Try not to open the room up until the landlord arrives for the final inspection.